Plusieurs des documents présentés ci-dessous sont des articles en préparation ou en cours de publication, mais pour lesquels la version finale reste encore à écrire. Donc, tous les commentaires seront les bienvenus.
Several of the documents below are papers in preparation, or papers the final version of which is still to be written. Comments welcome.


The encoding of experiencers in clauses denoting physiological states in Sub-Saharan languages. Creissels-Exp.Subs.lang.pdf

The pronoun ži in Northern Akhvakh: a corpus study. Creissels-Akhvakh.Refl.pdf

Bantu languages: Typology and variation. Creissels-Bantu_typ.var.pdf

Remarks on the typology of noun-modifying clause constructions. Creissels-remarks_on_NMCC_typology.pdf

Evidence for a grammaticalization path from a verb DO to an antipassive marker and further to an event nominalization marker in Manding languages. Creissels-From_DO_to_event_nominalization_marker.pdf


Phonologically conditioned P-lability in Soninke (West Mande) and its historical explanation. Creissels-lability_in_Soninke.pdf

Interpositions, a rare type of grammatical words. Creissels-Interpositions.pdf

• (in coauthorship with Alain Christian Bassène) The predicative use of the infinitive and the expression of the subject in Jóola Fóoñi. Bassene_Creissels-Pred.Inf.JF.pdf

The noncausal-causal alternation in the languages of Subsaharan Africa: a preliminary survey of noncausal-causal pairs involving inanimate undergoers. Creissels-noncausal_causal_alternation.pdf

Predicative possession in Bantu languages. Creissels-Pred.Poss.Bantu.pdf

A sketch of Northern Akhvakh. Creissels-Northern_Akhvakh.pdf

La typologie générale des constructions impersonnelles et les constructions impersonnelles du français. Creissels-constructions_impersonnelles_2018.pdf

Formes verbales relatives finies, participes et adjectifs déverbaux en joola fooñi. Creissels-relativisation_joola_fooni.pdf

Binominals and construct marking. Creissels-binominals_and_construct_marking.pdf

Existential predication and transpossessive constructions in typological and diachronic perspective. Creissels-Exist.Transposs.2018.pdf


Morphology in Niger-Congo languages. Creissels-morphNC.pdf

Construct forms of nouns in typological perspective. Creissels-Cstr.pdf

Remarks on transitivity prominence in the languages of Sub-Saharan Africa. Creissels-Leiden2017.pdf


Morphosyntactic typology of Subsaharan languages. Creissels-MsyntTypSSahLang.pdf

Transitivity, valency, and voice. Creissels-ESSLT.pdf

Noun + adjective compounding and quasi compounding in the languages of Subsaharan Africa. Creissels-attr.adj.incorp.pdf

• (in coauthorship with Alain Christian Bassène and Djibril Dramé) Transitivity in Atlantic and Mande languages. Bassene_Creissels_Drame-trans.Atl.Mande.pdf

Evidence for a grammaticalization path 'antipassive marker > event nominalization marker' in Manding languages. Creissels-antipassive_and_nominalization.pdf

Reconstructing the history of the Soninke voice system. Creissels-Soninke_voice_in_diachrony.pdf


Polysemy patterns involving non-scalar additive particles in Subsaharan languages: the coordinative connection. Creissels-Additives.pdf

The inflectional role of tone in Soninke (West Mande). Creissels-Tone_and_inflection_in_Soninke.pdf

A sketch of Mandinka. Creissels-sketch_of_Mandinka.pdf

A sketch of Ganja (Balant). Creissels-sketch_of_Ganja.pdf

Noun class systems in Atlantic languages. Creissels-noun_classes_Atl.pdf

Existential predication and transpossessive constructions. Creissels-Existential_predication_and_transpossessive_constructions.pdf

R-impersonals in Atlantic and Mande languages. Creissels-R.impers.Atl.Mand.pdf


Conjoint and disjoint verb forms in Tswana and other Bantu languages (revised April 2014). Creissels-conjoint_vs._disjoint.pdf

Approche typologique de la notion de sujet. Creissels-appr.typ.suj.pdf


Le mandinka du nord-est de la Guinée-Bissau. Creissels-Le_mandinka_de_Guinee-Bissau.pdf

L'impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne. Creissels_et_al.-Impers.Seneg.pdf

Schèmes de valence pour les verbes bivalents: esquisse d'une typologie. Creissels-Verbes_bivalents.pdf


La structure tonale du verbe en sotho du sud (mémoire de maîtrise de 'Makhauta Letšeng, présenté par Denis Creissels). Letseng-structure_tonale_du_verbe_sotho.pdf

The origin of antipassive markers in West Mande languages. Creissels-West_Mande_antipassives.pdf

Lexique mandinka-français (révisé février 2012). Creissels-lexique_mandinka_2012.pdf

Leipzig Valency Classes project: Mandinka (updated January 2012). Creissels-valency_classes_project_Mandinka.pdf


Impersonal pronouns and coreference: two case studies. Creissels-impersonal_pronouns.pdf

• (in coauthorship with Jérémy Pasquereau) Emergence and evolution of exceptional valency patterns in ergative languages: a case study. Pasquereau_Creissels-SLE_44.pdf

Исключительные падежные рамки в северном диалекте ахвахского язцка. Creissels-exceptional_case_frames.pdf


Person deixis in Northern Akhvakh reported speech. Creissels-rep.speech_Akhvakh.pdf

The essive form of nouns in Akhvakh and other Caucasian languages. Creissels-Akhvakh_essive.pdf

Transitivity alternations in Mandinka. Creissels-transitivity_alternations_in_Mandinka.pdf

The accentuation of Akhvakh nouns in the nominative case. Creissels-accentuation_of_Akhvakh_nouns.pdf


Language documentation and verb inflection typology: the case of Northern Akhvakh (Nakh-Daghestanian). Creissels-Chronos9.pdf

Non-spatial functions of spatial forms in Northern Akhvakh. Creissels-Akhvakh_spatial_cases.pdf

Animacy and spatial cases. Creissels-spatial_cases_and_animacy.pdf

Ergativity/accusativity revisited. Creissels-ergativity.pdf

Контрастивный анализ датива в ахвахском и русском языках. Creissels-Akhv.dat.pdf

Unstable consonants in Northern Akhvakh verb morphology, a case of emerging fusional morphology. Creissels-adv.sub.Akhv.pdf


Impersonal pronouns and coreference: the case of French 'on'. Creissels-ON.pdf

Remarks on so-called 'conjunct-disjunct' systems. Creissels-conj.disj.pdf

Predicative argument marking: the case of transformation verbs. Creissels-pred.arg.pdf

Impersonal and related constructions: a typological approach. Creissels-impers.constr.pdf

Optative in Akhvakh. Creissels-opt.Akhv.pdf

Weather expressions in Akhvakh. Creissels-weather.Akhv.pdf


Bambara argument structure. Creissels-Bam.arg.str.pdf

Intensifiers, reflexivity and logophoricity in Axaxdere Akhvakh. Creissels-logoph.Akhv.pdf


Typologie de la relativisation et données de l'aire Caucase-Iran-Anatolie. Creissels-typ.rel.CIA.pdf


Auxiliaires et expression de significations aspecto-temporelles en tswana. Creissels-aux.tsw.pdf

Non-canonical applicatives and focalization in Tswana. Creissels-non-canon.appl.pdf

Les noms nus en hongrois. Creissels-noms.nus.hongrois.pdf


Кодирование различия между локализацией, исходной точкой движения и направлением движения в типологической перспективе. Creissels-space_Russian_.pdf